Antiobiotics, Autism and Gut Health

Homeopath and nutritionist Sima Ash writes about the link between antibiotic use and serious illness. Please see original article by clicking here.

Antibiotics are used for a wide variety of health issues and have helped many when used for the proper reasons. However today, 40% of children who see a physician leave with a prescription for antibiotics – some for minor illnesses and even for those illnesses known to be viral – just to be safe. As most of us have heard, the overuse of antibiotics has led to more stubborn infections caused by more resistant organisms, but are you aware that antibiotics have been association with gut infections?

How do antibiotics create pathogenic gut infections?

A September 2013 study out of Stanford University revealed that in the first 24 hours after taking oral antibiotics, a spike in carbohydrate availability takes place. This surplus of carbohydrates combined with the reduction of gut friendly bacteria (due to taking the antibiotics) allows at least two potentially deadly pathogens to blossom. With the depletion of gut friendly bacteria, other problems arise as well. Researchers noted that friendly bacteria manufacture vitamins and help the immune system function. Antibiotics disturb the balance of good bacteria and can take a month or more to stabilize – however some of the bacterial strains seem to be permanently lost. This is why supplementing with an effective probiotic is critical.

The connection between antibiotics and eczema:

The British Journal of Dermatology reported, in June of 2013, that children who took antibiotics in their first year of life were 40% more likely to develop eczema. Simply put, the more antibiotics given to a child in their first year, the higher the likelihood of developing eczema. For each additional round of antibiotics given, the risk of eczema rose an additional 7%. Amoxicillin and other broad-spectrum antibiotics were deemed to have the strongest impact on developing eczema.

Can antibiotic use cause irritable bowel disease (IBD)?

Pediatrics looked at data on more than 1 million kids aged 17 and younger. The children were followed for at least two years and 500 health practices across the United Kingdom participated. Researchers found that 64% of the children with IBD had taken an antibiotic at least once. The risk of developing an IBD was five times greater if antibiotics were taken before the age of one compared to the infants that did not receive antibiotics. Overall there was an 84% increased risk of developing bowel diseases for the children given antibiotics, although researchers believe the real world risk is still very low. In the United States, pediatric prescription for antibiotics is roughly 49 million. The research authors surmise that would be associated with an additional 1,700 cases of IBD every year. They suggest parents inform their pediatrician if IBDs run in the family so informed decisions regarding the use of antibiotics can be made.

Could autism be linked to antibiotics?

A study published in Medical Hypothesis (2005), in which researchers examined 206 children with autism, all under age three. The lead researcher reported that each child received an average of 12 antibiotics during their lifetimes – mainly for ear infections. The lead researcher believes that the introduction of amoxicillin (used in brand names such as Augmentin) correlates with the skyrocketing rates of autism observed in California and potentially the rest of the U.S.

About the author:

Sima Ash of Healing 4 Soul is a clinical and classical homeopath and certified clinical nutritionist who utilizes a unique approach pioneered by Tinus Smits, M.D. called CEASE therapy. The aim of CEASE treatment is systematic detoxification of the causes of illness, leading to step by step improvement and restoration of health in the individual. For additional information, please visit – You can follow Sima on Facebook at ‘Cease Therapy California’ and through her weekly blog on

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