Homeopathic Treatment of Vaccine Damage

The treatment of side effects and adverse reactions of vaccinations by means of traditional homeopathy is an important topic in homeopathic practices. Early treatment by means of traditional homeopathy is highly recommended, if there is discomfort after a vaccination. It is a way to reinstate the balance that has been disrupted by the vaccination and in many cases can achieve improvement or even healing. As one of the few modes of treating this, homeopathy is capable of incorporating underlying causes (i.e. the vaccination) into its therapy regimen.
The question arises, how should one treat these kinds of pathologies? In the literature you will find a large number of approaches. However, some of these have nothing to do with the philosophy of homeopathy. Thuja as a kind of cure-all for effects of vaccinations continues to be very popular.

Possible effects of vaccinations:

The following section lists potential effects of vaccinations which frequently do not occur until weeks, months or even years later, when it is either no longer possible to see a causal connection to the vaccination or it is described as not having a connection to the vaccination. Therefore every case must be clarified homeopathically to see whether there is a connection to the vaccination or not.

Potential reactions to vaccinations:

  • There is chronic weakness of the immune system, coupled with propensity for infections (frequently becoming apparent as a result of repeated inner ear infections).
  •  Encephalopathy = disease of the brain (This is a brain edema caused by a vaccination primarily concerning children less than three years of age as they can react to vaccinations with an inflammation due to the fact that their brains are not fully developed yet). Encephalopathy is frequently overlooked, as it is not always connected to manifest symptoms. Frequently there can be later cessations of the development. Encephalopathy can also be one of the causes for Cri encéphalique.
  • Cri encéphalique (usually very penetrating and shrill) is a sign of possible damage to the brain.
  • Auto immune disease
  • Triggering of allergies such as asthma skin allergies, hay fever, food allergies etc.
  • Convulsive fits
  • Epilepsy
  • Autism
  • Sleep addiction
  • Sleep reversal (the child is awake and restless at night and sleeps during the day)
  • Character changes
  • Behavioral excesses, difficult to train/educate child, hyperactive children, apathy
  • Diabetes
  • Multiple Sclerosis
  • Delay of language development and developmental standstill

Diagnosis of vaccination damage

PVS (post-vaccination syndrome) is essentially diagnosed on the basis of carefully chosen questions directed to the patient or his parents. The practitioner should always consider seriously a diagnosis of post-vaccination syndrome whenever the complaints started at the time of, or in the period following, vaccination and a special treatment should be implemented as a first line of approach. This is to obviate an endless and ill-fated stream of examinations and therapies. Where positive results are achieved, the suspected diagnosis of PVS is confirmed. Only as a second resort, if the patient does not benefit fully from the treatment implemented, should a follow-up diagnosis be made.

Because of its high degree of reliability and efficacy, this method offers an excellent opportunity for establishing the cause of certain illnesses. One can trace step by step the vaccine, medicine or illness that has caused the complaint. This scheme also allows us to find the cause of the often discussed ‘Jungle syndrome’, a syndrome which has claimed so many young soldiers as victims and for which traditional medicine can offer neither an effective diagnostic procedure nor a satisfactory therapy.

Treatment with vaccination nosodes after a vaccination

The homeopathic method as applied in the treatment of vaccination damage consists of administering four successive remedies of the suspected vaccine. Each course consists of the following dilutions 30, 200, 1M and 10M. The duration of a remedy course depends on the severity of the problems and the reactions of the patient and can vary from 2 weeks to 2 months. Potencies should be repeated until no further improvement is seen before passing to the next potency. This method was introduced byTinus Smits. Click here to see case studies and further information.